Monday, June 6, 2011     17:19


News & Events

Jordan Olive Oil Producers Syndicate was established in May 1994, after a founding meeting attended by 46 olive oil producers in Jordan. It was then licensed by the Ministry of Labor.. The NDIC Association started its official work in May, 1994 to protect the rights of its members; at the time its headquarter was in Jerash


Olive Oil Syndicate


Jordan Olive Oil Producers Syndicate was established in May 1994, after a founding Meeting attended by 46 olive oil producers in Jordan. It was then licensed by the Ministry of Labor. The Syndicate started its official work in May, 1994 to protect the rights of its members; at the time its headquarter was in Jerash.

Olive oil is produced by pressing the olives; it is a tree that grows in the Mediterranean basin.. Olive oil is used in cooking, pharmaceuticals, medicine, as fuel to light oil lamps and to produce soap.

Objectives & Vision

  • To protect the interests of the Syndicate and defend the rights of its members before all official and non-official bodies.
  • To contribute to the proposal of draft laws and agricultural regulations in the sector in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • To contribute to the development of agricultural policies related to olives and methods of their implementation.
  • To organize the practices of the industry
  • To develop its scientific and professional level.
  • To cooperate with agricultural associations and trade unions in the Arab world and the International Olive Council to develop this industry.
  • To contribute to the establishment of the Jordanian Supreme Council for Olive Oil in order to enhance the role of this sector effectively. To ensure the decent life of the members of the Association and their families in cases of disability, old age and other emergency situations under the provisions of the law through the establishment of a comprehensive health insurance system.